The new procurement laws apply to all procurements commenced after January 1, 2017. Prepare yourself for change. Listen to leading procurement lawyers on the most important news and how you are affected. The focus is entirely on the practical implications of the new laws.
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Prepare yourself for the changes of LOU and LUF well as brand new LUK (Law on the award of concessions), introduced in Swedish law January 1, 2017 and applies to all procurements initiated after that date.
We have gathered the leading procurement lawyers to sort out what the new legislation means and what practical impact it has, both for buyers and sellers.
Book March 8 for a full day with all the news that will affect your everyday life.
Sign up simply this: New LOU and LUF .
Program for the day
[TABLE = 23 /] program is provisional and may change.Sign up simply this: New LOU and LUF .
The fine print – booking conditions
Until 22 days before the conference start date, you can cancel at no cost. From 21 days before the conference until two days before the conference, it will be free to transfer the site to a different person or swap to a future conference organized by the Purchasing Council within 24 months of the booked conference start date. The roster will be made available digitally for the participants of the conference. Tell us if you do not want your name on the roster. See the complete [pop url = ”/ booking conditions /” width = ”400” height = ”600”] booking conditions here [/ pop].
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